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Ettason 40th Anniversary Incentive Programme for Trade Customer Only

As Ettason celebrates its splendid 40th anniversary, we welcome all our valuable guests unique and exciting Lucky Draw! To express our profound gratitude for your support, the lucky draw is featuring grand prizes up to $10,000, as a tribute to our shared journey.

Important to Note: Incentive Validity for Business customers only that has a ABN account with Ettason Pty Ltd.

From March 1, 2024, to August 15, 2024, for every accumulated order value of $2,000, you will receive a lucky draw voucher, and have chance to win up to $10,000, the total prize pool is $48,000. The grand reveal of the draw results will take place on September 3, 2024.

Terms & Conditions:

1. Promotion commences on 1 March 2024 at 00:01 (AEST) and closes on 15 August 2024 at 23:59 (AEST).

2. The Lucky Draw Prizes will be drawn on 3rd September 2024

3. Customers of Ettason will receive Lucky Draw vouchers at the beginning of each  month, based on the total order value accumulated in the preceding month. For every AU $2,000 ordered, each customer will be entitled to one voucher. August will be accounted for as a half-month period.

4. Prize details are as follows:

  • First prize: One (1) winner to win AU$10,000
  • Second prize: Six (6) winners to win AU$5,000
  • Third prize: Eight (8) winners to win AU$1,000

5. Total prize pool for this promotion is AU$48,000. The prize is not transferable, exchangeable or redeemable for other prizes.

6. Ettason Pty Ltd retain the rights to interpret the terms and conditions of this promotion.

在Ettason庆祝其辉煌40周年之际,我们诚邀各位尊贵客户共襄盛举,参加我们回馈客户的抽奖活动!此次活动,我们设立了高达$10,000的奖项,旨在感谢并庆祝与各位客户携手走过的岁月。 特别提示:此项优惠活动仅限于持有Ettason Pty Ltd ABN账户的商业客户参与。


1. 本次抽奖活动自2024年3月1日00:01(AEST)起至2024年8月15日23:59(AEST)止。

2. 抽奖活动将于2024年9月3日进行抽选。

3. Ettason公司的顾客将于每月初基于前一月累计的订单总额收到抽奖券。每消费$2,000,客户将获得一张抽奖券。需特别指出,八月累计订单至八月十五日截至。

4. 奖项设置如下:

  • 一等奖:一位(1)获奖者将获得AU $10,000。
  • 二等奖:六位(6)获奖者各获得AU $5,000。
  • 三等奖:八位(8)获奖者各获得AU $1,000。

5. 此次推广活动的总奖金池为AU $48,000。奖品不得转让、换取或兑换成其他物品。

6. Ettason Pty Ltd保留对本次推广活动条款及条件的最终解释权。

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